Gov’t radiologic technologists get higher salary grades starting April 2018

Department of Budget and Management (DBM) has re-allocated the classes of radiologic technologists working in government, resulting to higher salary grades for four positions.

DBM secretary Benjamin E. Diokno issued Budget Circular 2018-2 dated March 15, which provides the re-allocation of Radiologic Technologist II to V starting April 1.

Experienced radiologic technologists working in public health centers will get a raise after the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) approved higher salary grades for four positions.

Under Budget Circular 2018-2 issued by Budget Secretary Benjamin E. Diokno on March 15, the positions of Radiologic Technologist II to V were reallocated to salary grades two notches up.

Radiologic Technologist II will move to salary grade 15 from 13 at present; Radiologic Technologist III, to salary grade 18; Radiologic Technologist IV, to salary grade 20; and Radiologic Technologist V, to salary grade 22.

Radiologic Technologist I remains at Salary Grade 11.

“The new salary rates will be in accordance with the Third Tranche Monthly Salary Schedule of the National Government under the National Budget Circular No. 572 dated January 3, 2018 or the modified salary schedule being implemented by the GOCC,” the Circular stated.

Based on Third Tranche of Salary Standardization Law, Step 1 of Salary Grade 15 is at P29,010; Salary Grade 18 at P38,085; Salary Grade 20 at P47,037; and Salary Grade 22 at P58,717.

The Circular covers all public Radiologic Technologists II to V positions, whether regular, casual, or contractual in nature, full time or part time, in the national government agencies (NGAs), including SUCs and GOCCs, and in local government units.

Here’s the full text of the DBM Circular:

“The field of radiology has evolved to become a vital component of health care by being a key diagnostic tool for diseases and as an instrument for monitoring treatments. Relatedly, radiologic technologists, who have become key members of the health care team in health establishments, have to keep pace with technological developments and be knowledgeable in all modalities of radiologic examination and monitoring,” the DBM said. (Photo credits: Davao Doctors College)

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Nonoy Taclino

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