PRC issues new CPD unit requirements for professionals

Unbeknownst to many, the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) has already issued new guidelines regarding the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program including unit requirements for all registered and licensed professionals before renewal of licenses.

UPDATE: Full implementation of CPD requirement will be on first quarter of 2017.

PRC Resolution No. 2016-990, signed by chairman Teofilo S. Pilando, Jr. and commissioners Angeline T. Chua Chiaco and Yolana D. Reyes on June 28, 2016, introduces amendments to the revised guidelines and the procedures of implementation of CPD programs.

“The Commission finds the need to amend some provisions of the said guidelines in order to strengthen the implementation of the said guidelines,” the Resolution stated.

The resolution is also in harmony with the recently passed Republic Act 10912 or the Continuing Professional Development Act of 2016 which states that CPD programs will be implemented in each of the regulated professions, and mandatory for the renewal of the Professional Identification Cards of all registered and licensed professionals under the regulation of the Professional Regulation Commission.

Sponsored by Senator Antonio Trillas III, the measure became a law last July 21, 2016.

Some of the amendments are as follows:

  • Every Professional Regulatory Board (PRB) shall creat CPD Council composed of Chairperson and 2 members.
  • CPD Council accredits Local CPD Providers (Individual/Sole Proprietor, Firm/Partnership/Corporation, or Government Institutions/Agencies) and Foreign CPD Providers.
  • Registered and licensed professionals shall complete the required CPD units every three years.

CPD Unit Requirements

120 Credit Units: Accountancy

45 Credit Units:Aeronautical Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Agriculture, Architecture, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Criminology, Customs Broker, Dentistry, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Environmental Planning, Fisheries, Forestry, Geodetic Engineering, Geology, Guidance and Counseling, Interior Design, Landscape Architecture, Librarian, Mechanical Engineering, Medical Technology, Medicine, Metallurgical Engineering, Midwifery, Mining Engineering, Naval Architecture, Nursing, Nutrition and Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, Optometry, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Professional Teachers, Psychology, Radiologic Technology, Real Estate Service, Respiratory Therapy, Sanitary Engineering, Social Work, Veterinary Medicine

30 Credit Units: Chemical Technician, Dental Technician, Dental Hygienist, Master Electrician, Electronics Technician, Master Plumbing, Certified Plant Mechanic, Medical Laboratory Technician, Metallurgical Plant Foreman, Mine/Mill/Quarry Foreman, Detailman, X-Ray Technician, Real Estate Sales Person

Here’s the PRC Resolution in toto, including the matrix of CPD activities and the credit units for each participants involved:

Most professionals have negative reaction on this new requirement, for they see the measure as additional burden and expense out of their meager earnings.

How about those professionals working abroad, some are asking. Well, they may look for accredited Foreign CPD providers or take online programs whenever it becomes available.

The Resolution was published in major newspaper Philippine Star on July 21, 2016, and the date of effectivity started fifteen days after or on August 5, 2016.

Interestingly, PRC has updated their website with new layout and already included links for Continuing Professional Development, CPD Councils, Accredited Providers, Accredited Programs, etc. But those are still dead links, meaning, no data yet especially on the list of accredited CPD providers for each profession. I’ll post it ever PRC make it available, so keep it here.

Your thoughts on this CPD unit requirements by PRC? Drop a comment below.

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Nonoy Taclino

Hi, I'm Nonoy of Iloilo City, and thanks for supporting my Tech and Lifestyle blog! I've been blogging and creating content in this digital space for over 15 years now, and hoping to share and interact with you more in this blog and other platforms in the days, months and years to come! You may also follow me on Facebook @digitalilonggo, Instagram @digitalilonggo and Twitter @nonoy. See you around Iloilo!

This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. i think it will be solely on the discretion of the professional to enhance or develop his skills and updates with regards to its profession, for many of our professional do not work on their chosen field because this government failed to address the dire need of improving our country, there so much important legislation than this ACT,, my god! did they consult the majority of the professional in this land???? maybe they have sound objectives but does not appeal in the realm of our main problem..

  2. CPD should apply only for professionals who have discontinued practicing their professions for a considerable time. Para ma-refresh sila. It should not apply to to the practicing professionals who have been continuously updating their competence to keep up with their work.

  3. real na real na po ba tlga ito napagaralan po ba tlga ito marami po bang umagree kahit na magbbenefit ang lahat medyo mabigat parin po yung 45 units lalo na po saming mga bagong graduate 3 yrs lng po ang palugit saamin para mag earn ng 45 units

  4. Dagdag burden sa pagrerenew.
    Implementing na ba tlg nito. Strictly? Planning to go back to pinas sana this week if di pa nila hinahanap ang units ng CPD. Grrr. Bka msyang lng uwi ko.

  5. If your interest leans toward criminology, you could work as a criminal profiler, study crime trends, or even work at a prison. Other job possibilities include; jury selection, parental custody or visitation, crisis management and counseling for the police department, the list seemingly goes on forever. check it

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