PRC: Professionals lacking CPD units may still renew license until December 31, 2018

The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) is exercising maximum flexibility in the implementation of the Continuing Professional Regulation (CPD) law by allowing professionals with incomplete or lacking required units to renew their licenses.

In a Senate hearing of the Committee on Civil Service, Government Reorganization and Professional Regulation on the issues of the CPD Law last January 24, PRC said professionals who were unable to meet the required CPD units of their respective professions may still renew their Professional Identification Cards (PIC) by executing an undertaking that allows theme to complete and submit only the CPD units in the next renewal period three years after his/her first renewal under CPD Law.

To make it even more accessible and convenient, the Undertaking is already embedded in the PIC renewal form thereby saving professionals time, notarial expense and other incidental costs.

The deferment of CPD requirement through this Undertaking maybe availed until December 31, 2018. Here’s the sample PIC renewal form with Undertaking:

“Since the implementation of the Continuing Professional Development in July 2017, no professional who applied for the renewal of his/her professional ID has ever been denied by PRC due to incomplete or lacking CPD units,” PRC said in a statement.

The PRC has likewise directed all CPD Councils of the 43 regulated professions to review and if necessary, make amendments to their respective CPD Operational Guidelines to address the clamor of the professionals. Some CPD Councils have revised their respective operational guidelines to further make CPD more accessible and affordable.

PRC appeals on all professionals who care about public safety and welfare, those who wish to deliver the best services to their clients, patients, and students to stand up, adhere and support this effort of the government in ensuring that our professionals are not left behind in information, skills, knowledge for the good and being of our countrymen.

If you have further concerns on CPD requirement, you may email or visit the PRC website or through this link

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Nonoy Taclino

Hi, I'm Nonoy of Iloilo City, and thanks for supporting my Tech and Lifestyle blog! I've been blogging and creating content in this digital space for over 15 years now, and hoping to share and interact with you more in this blog and other platforms in the days, months and years to come! You may also follow me on Facebook @digitalilonggo, Instagram @digitalilonggo and Twitter @nonoy. See you around Iloilo!

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