Celebrate friendship and immersion of cultures at K’onek: Korea-Iloilo Festival at Festive Walk Mall from August 16 to 25, 2019. K’oneK: Korea-Iloilo Festival is a part of 8th Korean-Ilonggo Friendship Festival, which seeks…
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Bigby’s Iloilo took us to a gastronomic journey with their food and travel-inspired interiors. Bigby’s Cafe and Restaurant, known for its sumptuous food in big servings, is back in Iloilo City with the…
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Ilonggos, brace yourselves for more world class shopping and lifestyle offerings as Megaworld Corporation is set to open the Festive Walk Mall in Mandurriao this June 30, 2018. The country’s largest developer of…
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How about watching your favorite blockbuster movie while resting on a comfortable recliner, with butler waiting for a push of a button to deliver you unlimited drinks and popcorn? Ilonggos will soon enjoy…
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